What is Cathodic Protection and how does it work?

2022-08-15 16:00

Cathodic protection is a renowned and effective technique that is used to prevent the corrosion and deterioration of metals. It is used to protect industrial equipment and structures such as steel, water pipelines, storage tanks, oil platforms and ships. Corrosion occurs in structures that are located underground and are exposed to the soil as well as in equipment that is located underwater. If it is not addressed timeously, corrosion can have harmful effects on metal structures.

Corrosion is a gradual process that breaks down the properties of metals; this deterioration is a byproduct of a chemical reaction that occurs between metals and their environment. Corrosion is a result of the redox reaction of iron and oxygen in an environment that has water or moist air.


Qingdao Yinghai Engineering offers the following:

  • Impressed current cathodic protection product series

    --- Auxiliary anode product series

    ---Reference electrode product series

  • Constant potential rectifier

  • Cathodic protection accessory products series

    --- Test pile

    ---Junction box

  • Sacrificial anode product series

           --- Aluminium alloy sacrificial anode

       ---Zinc alloy sacrificial anode

       --- Magnesium alloy sacrificial anode

       ---Ferroalloy sacrificial anode

       ---Other accessory products


Qingdao Yinghai is founded by professionals from scientific research institutions and engineering front line, who have long been engaged in corrosion and protection research and development, cathodic protection engineering construction and project management. The company produces can be designed and manufactured according to the need of user’s special equipment and special working conditions. So, they are well received by customers. In view of different equipment and different environmental conditions, we have experienced technicians to keep close contact and communication with corresponding customers, so as to ensure that the customers can be provided high-quality products to meet their demands.Check out our products here  www.yinghaianode.com and if you would like a quote on our products, feel free to request a quote.