• Energy Power
    Energy Power

    Base steel pile of factory/factory grounding grid'sea water circulating pipelinel underground foundation steel structure of transformer substation/minor-caliber pipeline cathodic protectionte chnology of open water system of main workshop

    Cathodic protection technology for circulating pumpi axially split pump (centrifugal pump)condenser lexchanger (heat exchanger)

    Multi-layer coating anti-corrosion technology for key positions of factory steel structure/heavy anri-corrosion coating protection technology

  • Petrochemical Engineering
    Petrochemical Engineering

    Jacket of oil production platform, sacrificial anode of oil and gas pipelines and impressed current protection technology

    oiltank bottom plate and extine / Sacrificial anode of underground metal structures of petroleum plant and impressed current and regional cathodic protection technology

    Effective multi-layer coating anti-corrosion technology of the margin plate at the bottom of vertical tank

  •  Municipal facilities
    Municipal facilities

    Municipal water and gas pipeline sacrificial anode and impressed current cathodi cprotection technology

    Sacrificial anode and impressed current cathodic protection technology of gas station

    Buried steel pipeline drainage technology

  • Port engineering  and ship
    Port engineering and ship

    Sacrificial anode of ships and impressed current cathodic protection technology

    Long-term effective anti-corrosion coating protection technology for ships

    Electrolytic copper aluminum anode anti-corrosion and anti-fouling dlevice technology

  • Offshore platform and offshore wind power
    Offshore platform and offshore wind power

    Sacrificialanode of steel pipe pile and impressed current cathodic protection

    technology/impressed current cathodic protection technology of reinforced concrete structure

    Multi-layer coating anti-corrosion technology of stecl pipe pile

    Long-term effective heavy-duty coating protection technology of marine concrete structures