Zinc reference electrode belongs to solid zinc electrode, it’s widely used in the engineering project in the recent years. It adopts 99.995% high purity zinc material to process and compound. Zinc electrode has many advantages than general reference electrode, such as firm structure, convenient to manufacture and maintenance, the potential is enough negative, high exchange current density and not easily polarized ,etc.It overcame the problem of protection system failure caused by premature failure of reference electrode in project. It mainly used in the cathodic protection potential measure of long term pipeline, storage tank floor plate and seawater environment. Long term high purity zinc reference electrode mainly used in seawater and soil with a high chloride content. Because the material is metal, it has the characteristics of compression, so it can be used at the bottom of the metal structure with relatively high pressure. The high purity zinc reference electrode is part of the cathodic protection system (especially the impressed current cathodic protection as control signal source),so its durability, endurance and damage are always one of the most important parts of the construction. Therefore, the zinc electrode becomes the ideal permanent reference electrode currently.